Monday, June 27, 2011

Why I laugh at non- christians [and why you hate me]

There will always be:

a better writer
a more organized doer
a more articulate teacher, speaker, leader
a smarter student
a more dedicated student
a more creative mind
a more disciplined person
that somebody who is always cooler
that somebody who is always sweeter
that somebody who is funnier and has more wit
that somebody who took that extra step
that somebody who knew the risk was worth it
that somebody who cared more when you shed a tear and not so much when you shined a smile
because, you can a trust a person who cries and smiles

This person is most likely you.  It isn't me.  My favorite person in the world isn't my mother, my father, my brother or my sister, or any friend or relative.


My favorite person in the world is a peasant.  A peasant who is homeless, a peasant who is poor, a peasant who's family disowned him and wanted nothing to do with him.  A peasant whose best friend was the drunk.  A peasant whose best friend was the whore and the prostitute.  A peasant whose best friend was the crooked and corrupt schemer that stole from unsuspecting and hard working and honest people. A peasant whose best friend is the rape victim.  A peasant whose best friend is the addict.  A peasant whose best friend is the the man or woman who cheats on their spouse.  This peasant as impoverished as he was, as much as he was disowned is still pretty legit.

He was a peasant. 

Now he's coming back as a cosmic bad ass. . . . and yeah, that's laughable until you really think about it

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